Litman Gregory Asset Management was recently recognized as a top-ranked registered investment advisor by San Francisco Business Times, appearing on their list of the 50 Largest Bay Area Wealth Management Firms.
In the accompanying What Bay Area Wealth Managers are Telling their Richest Clientsarticle, Litman Gregory senior wealth advisor Gretchen Hollstein was quoted with her take on how the wealth management industry is changing. Here’s what Gretchen had to say when interviewed earlier in 2018:
What do you think is the biggest story in your industry right now?
“The potential surprise hit that investors will feel when they realize that this is no longer their grandparents’ ‘stock and bond’ market.
In other words, many investors have become accustomed to a bull market in stocks and low interest rates, so they could be woefully unprepared for a shift in the investment landscape that would see stock and/or bond markets go down in value, or at least experience a leadership shift to other asset classes or other global investment markets.
As a related point, with a major generational shift in the responsibility for retirement investment management from employers to employees (through their 401k plans), many investors’ portfolios lack sufficient risk management and diversification due to the tendency of 401k plan participants to select investments that have recently performed well vs. their other choices. This could set these investors up for failure.”
Read the full article on San Francisco Business Times.