We Walked From Larkspur to Paris to Celebrate the Anniversary of Joining iM Global Partner

July 19, 2022

Our employees completed a collective 13.2 million steps in only 23 days (three weeks ahead of schedule!) as we participated in a firm-wide walking challenge to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Litman Gregory joining iM Global Partner.

Given our focus on creating opportunities for connection across our global employee base, we wanted to celebrate our expanded footprint through a team challenge. To make this happen, we joined with Walk With You (W2Y) to organize a virtual walk from Larkspur, California all the way to Paris, France via each of our office locations around the world (8 countries and 13 offices in total): Larkspur, Palo Alto, Walnut Creek, Stockton, El Segundo, Miami, London, Luxembourg, Munich, Zurich, Milan, Madrid, and Paris.

To spur on our staff in this summer walking challenge, we undertook the route in teams, each comprising colleagues from across the firm and globe. For some, this was a chance to connect outside of work with people we know, and for others a chance to partner with colleagues from other offices and countries. Ultimately, we were all working together to reach our goal!

The eventual benefit was charitable donations made with every million steps we achieved. In addition, we were delighted to provide support for entrepreneurial businesses by partnering with the company Walk With You.

Our entire firm was proud of the outcome of this group challenge and enjoyed the opportunity to partner with our colleagues from different offices while raising money for charity. The teamwork that this encouraged will clearly be a benefit to our employees and many clients around the world!



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